Meet Gina Rumble, Founder of Create Flow.

I am an authentic, passionate, heart-driven person who loves helping others and making a difference in the world. My purpose in my life is to help create flow within other people's lives so that they can feel happy and confident in themselves. 

As a fiery Aries, I am drawn to personal development, well-being, growth, mindfulness, and soul enrichment - my greatest gift is holding space for others and allowing them to feel safe and seen in their truest form.

I came from a corporate background being an executive assistant, having spent over a decade working with the executive team at the iconic Kiwi brand, Icebreaker. This experience was a time of extreme growth and gave me amazing insight and learnings into business and leadership, culture, and most of all working with people and the power of relationships and rapport.

My journey with mental health led me to where I am today and creating my own business is an opportunity for me to take my life learnings and apply them in helping others. My passion is really about making a difference in people’s lives and helping them get more flow and joy in their lives.

I am a mum to two girls who are little bundles of energy and keep me on my toes. My husband is a fantastic support to me and we have navigated through many things together over the last two decades.

My journey into Mumlife has been quite a colourful adventure with many ups and a few downs & spirals along the way. Through some challenging events, I was brought to the lowest point in my life in 2018 where I could hardly eat, sleep, or function - I was a shell of my former self, completely ridden with fear and worry and feeling stuck. I had to work through the most debilitating postnatal anxiety to shed layers of trauma and stored emotions to reconnect my mind, body, and soul and rebuild my nervous system. This is where my juicy part of the journey and learning unfolded, and I navigated through various forms of modalities and personal development.

As part of my recovery, I discovered Kinesiology with Abby Mounter, which profoundly changed my life. Through regular sessions, and deep work I have healed and repaired my nervous system, restored my well-being, happiness, and joy for life, and most importantly, this all led me to study this amazing modality and do a certificate and diploma with her so I could practice Kinesiology and open my business Create Flow.

My purpose is to help Create Flow within all areas of your life so you can release the things holding you back, align your mind, body, and soul & have more peace and calm in your life while restoring the connection to your innate wisdom and intuition. This is something that gives me so much joy. and lights me up every single time and I can’t wait to share this with the world.

Start your journey to create some flow in your life.