Frequency and Healy

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”

  • Nikolo Tesla

VIDEO: Overview of Healy in 12 minutes.

What is Healy?

Healy is a compact, portable device that merges science and spirituality using revolutionary technology working with frequencies to harmonise your energy. Every single part of us is made up of energy right down to the cellular level, and each unique part has an optimal frequency. This device gives you the ability to scan your Bioenergetic Field see what frequency your body needs and then harmonise it. It acts as a bridge between the quantum field in the biological body to deliver, harmonising, frequencies to the mind, body, and soul, and get you back into balance and create more ease and flow in your life.

Healy contains millions of propriety frequencies customised into different programs. These frequencies are transmitted through micro current which supports cellular health and increases cellular energy (ATP) by up to 500%. It works with a quantum sensor that reads the information field and customises the frequencies you need, analysing your energetic field in real-time to determine what frequencies you actually need to support you at that moment, adapting until you are saturated in resonance with that frequency.

It acts as a bridge between the quantum field in the biological body to deliver, harmonising, frequencies to the mind, body, and soul, and get the spirit back into balance. We are energetic beings and Healy’s frequencies bring coherence for all-inclusive well-being and vitality.

Healy Frequency - what is Healy?

What are the benefits?

The Healy journey is different for everyone and what they get out of it, here are some of the benefits people are experiencing:

1. Mental and emotional well-being and support

2. Stress reduction and management & increased relaxation

3. Enhanced energy, vitality, and overall capacity

4. Improved sleep + rest and digest ability

5. Pain relief and recovery

Healy Frequency Device

How do you use Healy and Kinesiology together in a balance?

In Kinesiology, we use muscle testing to gather information from the body in the balance, if it were to come up that it is relevant and in your highest good, we can use the Healy in a few different ways:

  1. Scan and see what frequencies your body wants and needs then vibrate directly to you.

  2. Scan your auric field to detect imbalances in chakras and what frequencies you need to harmonise them & see any themes behind them in a detailed report.

  3. There is a coaching analysis function where we can vibrate your goal from the session to see which frequencies you need to support your body for that goal and you get a report to see the themes behind the goal.

  4. There are many programs to support all the functions of the body such as emotional well-being, beauty, fitness, job, mental balance, charka balancing, skin, detoxification, organ support, and many more.

I personally use my Healy device daily and have been so supported by it, which is why I am also using it in my studio as another tool to create balance and alignment between all areas of your life.

Healy Frequency Device
Healy Frequency Device

Can I have my own Healy to use?

Yes!  You can purchase your own Healy. There are a range of models to support your needs in varying price ranges. It is very simple and easy to use, and you will have my full support to explore the device and what will work. best for you.

Your Healy comes with a 14-day return policy if you were to change your mind, and a 2-year warranty.

If you are interested please let me know and we can have a conversation, you can also check out the shop links next to this section.

What is Healy the business opportunity?

Healy is also a business opportunity, to build your own team with the support of an amazing community, to build leveraged income. It uses a network marketing model with no subscription costs or obligations, you simply purchase a device and from there, it is your choice if you want to use the Healy for personal use, or receive community (and my) support to build your own business. With the intention of creating a heart-led business, in alignment with your core values creating freedom and opportunities for more possibilities in life.

What is Healy the community?

Healy is a growing global community of like-minded humans, co-creating together, with the goal of supporting each other to thrive and live a life of freedom. This involves sharing resources, team calls, high-caliber mentorship, events, and retreats worldwide and within our local NZ community.

Healy Frequency Device Wellbeing

What are the different types of Healy devices?

Healy editions
Wearable devices designed to support the balance of your Bioenergetic Field. There are five versions which have different programs and functions: Gold, Holistic, Resonance, Resonance Plus and Professional.

Mag Healy
Is designed to harmonise your environment and water. It is light, discrete and portable. It supports you in harmonising your surroundings through the emission of a magnetic field.

Healy Watch
The Healy Watch is a digital lifestyle wearable that measures parameters of your body.

Fitness Functions:
• Breathing exercises
• Activity monitoring: steps, distance, calorie consumption, activity time, daily goal
• Workout Tracking for 10 sports
• Check incoming messages like calls, SMS, WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook etc.

How does the Healy Coil work?

The Healy Coil is an add-on to the Healy. 

The Healy Coil is a complement too, rather than a substitute for the cable electrodes, the Coil can only be used for Healy IMF programs.

In the Healy coil, two coils are connected in series to form a bifilar coil. Current is passed through the two coils, creating two electromagnetic fields. These are of opposite polarity and the two fields cancel each other out by superposition. What remains is the magnetic field potential, also called vector potential or quantum potential.

Since the fields are very small, the Healy Coil should be worn directly on the body. The medium of the Healy Coil is quantum potential frequencies (QPF), which oscillate at the frequencies of the program being played.

Who is the founder of Healy?

Marcus Schmieke is the Founder and inventor of TimeWaver and Healy.

  • Extensive studies in physics and philosophy

  • Author of 25 books, translated into 10 languages

  • Founder of the IACR and ECR Institutes for Consciousness Research

  • Lecturer at international congresses on integrative science and medicine

  • Wants to make his technology accessible to all humans

  • Works with an international team of scientists, physicians, therapists and engineers

  • Owner of TimeWaver and Healy groups

How do we know that Healy is safe to use?

Healy was developed by scientists, engineers and medical experts.

2000+ expert users applied the Healy technology over 10 years

Nuno Nina who developed the Gold programs has been applying them in his clinic in Portugal for more than 15 years

50+ million Healy sessions have been conducted around the world
Healy has  conducted unblinded before/after surveys in controlled and randomized groups of participants

70% of Healy users have shown positive effects after  only 6 Healy applications 

Healy has been cleared by the FDA in America for specific pain issues

There are some contraindications, such as epilepsy, pregnancy, pacemakers, and heart disease - these contraindications don’t apply when you use the Healy Coil.

If you have any further questions please contact me below, I would love to chat more with you.

I am interested in frequency